Dating today is a minefield. Women chase the top one percent of men, who have an abundance of options, while so many lovely men, are tired of the never-ending merry-go-round. So many of our client’s make the mistake and keeping missing those red flags that so many women possess. Be careful, look for them, and when you find them, run a mile. Being aware of these signs can save you from future heartache. Here are some key red flags to watch out for:
- Opportunistic Women: If you sense that a woman is more interested in your wallet than in you, it’s time for the check and an exit to the gym. Opportunistic women tend to prioritize material gains over genuine connection, often showing a keen interest in your financial status early on. Remember, today’s men are success objects for women. If that is all she cares about, reassess the minute you feel this is all she cares about.
- OnlyFans “Models”: The rise of OF has blurred the lines between genuine self-expression and commercialized liberal women and hook up “culture”. While making money online is ok for some, be cautious of women who prioritize followers and income, and look at men as income objects. They will do so in their love lives too.
- Overdone Plastic Surgery: While everyone is entitled to their own choices, excessive plastic surgery can sometimes indicate deeper issues with self-esteem or a desire to fit a certain image. It’s important to consider what this might mean for your relationship and whether these insecurities could affect your connection. Most of our men find true happiness with natural women, most of them avoid dating Apps and plastic surgery. Those fake lips are the thing our client’s tend to ask us to avoid the most.
- Masquerading “Professionals”: Some women masquerade as professionals but in the end are simply escorts. Ask questions about dating intentions to quickly find inconsistencies. Be wary of those who exaggerate or fabricate their professional lives, while just looking for sugar daddies.
- Influencers and Attention Seekers: The social media age has given rise to influencers who thrive on likes and shares. While ambition is admirable, it’s essential to distinguish between genuine passion and a relentless need for attention. Relationships built on the latter often lack depth.
- Arrogance and Narcissism: Confidence is attractive, but arrogance and narcissism are not. Women who constantly need validation, display an inflated sense of self-importance, or belittle others may not be capable of the empathy and humility required for a healthy relationship.
- Many Lovers & High Body Count: While everyone has a past, it’s essential to consider what someone’s relationship history might mean for your future together. A high number of past partners could suggest a lack of commitment or a pattern of short-term connections.
- “Boss Babes”: Ambition is great, but some women use the term “Boss Babe” to project an image of empowerment while masking deeper insecurities or unhealthy competitive behaviors. Relationships should be partnerships, not power struggles.

When dating, it’s crucial to keep your eyes open for these potential red flags. Building a relationship on mutual respect, honesty, and genuine connection will always lead to more fulfilling and lasting bonds. The women we choose in for our client’s have all been screened for these red flags, and in so doing, we help men find true love, in today’s complex dating landscape.